Student Reflection

I really didn’t know what to expect. When I found out about the final assignment, which was to create a two-week online learning experience, I thought ‘I can’t do that. That’s too much.’


I’d call it a guided creativity. It wasn’t, ‘These are the five learning resources that you’re supposed to put in your MOOC and put them in a certain order.’ … It was just so much more than that. There are parameters that you gave … but they were broad enough that I had free rein.


As I continued to develop my plans, I realized that OERs give meatiness to the course.


(Re)design a two-week online learning experience (i.e., unit or module), integrating/adapting OERs that support and further the learning outcomes. Author/refine original collateral materials such as assignments.

Essential Understanding(s)

Active learning is engaging, but it needs to be purposeful to accomplish goals. A good experience is a gratifying journey in which each part contributes to the whole.

Sample Assignment: Mini-MOOC

  • Individual choice of topic, selected during the same week when course participants explore OERs for the COOL Collection assignment
  • Curation: Mini-MOOC content must include at least three forms of high-quality open learning resources that were created by another entity (e.g., materials, videos, tools).
  • Learning Experience Design: Mini-MOOC process guided by a multi-week planner, adapted from the Backward Design planner developed by Wiggins & McTighe (2005)
  • Education Technology: Stage the learning experience in a learning management system, set to self-enroll, or in another platform that is available to the public.
  • Open Pedagogy: Mini-MOOC should model open pedagogy by fostering interaction between min-MOOC participants and actively engaging them in the development of authentic work products that can be shared beyond the course. Original materials authored for the Mini-MOOC should be assigned a Creative Commons license of the course author’s choosing

View The Assignment


Critical Conversations Mini-MOOC screenshot Container Gardens Mini-MOOC screenshot